Tuesday, August 2, 2011

we heart the tropics! (*ahem* only in the dry season may i point out). the in-laws live in what can only be described as an open air tree house. we spent our days swimming in the pool, croc-free lagoons, bird watching, sunset strolling, market go-ing, eating, cooking, nudey playing and eating all manner of tropical fruit goodness! we have decided that Lottie Pearl's skin name is Little Papaya - after all the papaya she consumed!

loads of time with uncles, aunties, grandparents, great grandparents and cousins! it has totally reinforced our decision to move to perth.........we barely picked up a toy whilst we were in darwin - because the outdoors were all we needed. simple things like sand, lawn, water in washing baskets, warm breezes.

we even visited the 'fun bus' a mobile playgroup bus which goes to different parks and set ups activities for kids of all ages! lottie absolutely loved it all!

darwin - we can't wait to visit again soon!


  1. last photo ..,, the cutest !!

  2. is lobo tanned? perfect weapon for a perth childhood!

  3. Oh wow open air tree house!! Looks like you had a wonderful time, and sunshine!

  4. a perfect antitode to a cold wet winter... looks like you had a fab time. Thanks for your tips on Melbs btw xo

  5. I'm pining for Darwin lately (I lived up there for 5 years....about 10 years ago....yikes was it really that long ago??)

    I miss the food, the markets, the lot (although I doubt I'd make it through the build up now).


    I want green papaya salad from the Rapid Creek market.

    Darwin keeps popping up in blogland lately....even in Melbourne-based blogs.....it must be a sign!
